Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Sometimes I just want to cry. Lately my skin has been so bad that it has spread on the chest and upper back to red angry spots that burn consistently, it's like a sunburn: it itches and aches all at the same time. 

These photos do nothing for how red it is and how much it's taking over my upper body. Most of them are sores rather than the hard chapped version, and very big rather than the small pink dots I'm used to. 

Thankfully it is still off my face (phew) but I'm beginning to worry that it's getting worse. 

More of an archive for how my DWD is behaving - I don't really know what to do. I think it may have something to do with the fact I did a gym class and the poor ventilation in the room made me sweat buckets which always triggers my skin into angry mode - and I have been stressed out about an upcoming project. But really? This is the way it is now? I have to wear my stress on my skin so openly and painfully??! Not. Cool.

I also blame the fact that I can't find a Vitamin A cream that has nothing else in it, my go-to Life Brand is getting harder and harder to find. The Jamiesons one has sugar in it and smelly crap that irritate my skin. Do you have something that is working for you?

I will up my water intake and go back to meditations and double my pine bark and Vitamin B but... I don't want to go on an elimination diet again and I don't want to stop drinking alcohol completely again. Ugh. Just ugh. And sadness. 


  1. You're a very brave person;)

    1. Thanks Joe, I don't know if I'm brave but I sure like your support :)

    2. Were you the first in your family to get it?

  2. Have you tried h2p gel and cream? I have this disease as well and it stinks! I just got a new derm and have had a lot of relief on my chest with this. Best thing is it's a shipped free script!

  3. Another question is what shampoo do you use

    1. I had the best time on peppermint or rosemary sensitive skin type shampoos. I got lazy and went back to cheap drug store brands and I itch all the time.

      I just ran out of this one but I'm looking into others: https://well.ca/products/avalon-organics-peppermint_10403.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAq6_UBRCEARIsAHyrgUyAC3RNX6GQOYTVRnvFGh_W-NzzEG15HxXHXB1EtgWeoyn4G3Jv-KwaAvacEALw_wcB

  4. Have you tried an over the counter retinol serum? I have had fairly good results with the Cerave Skin Renewing Serum.

    1. No I haven't! I should try that next....

    2. Hi there- just to add to my last post- have you tried Salycilic shampoo on your hair? This disease is a constant battle- hope youre managing honey

  5. Dont know if you actually got my first post! New laptop so getting my head round it! My daughter is 18 and has this awful disease- we have been to hel and back, but she is beginning to accept this is a lifetime thing, unfortunately. We take one day at a time, and she is waiting for laser treatment- Im worried about this, but have seen some good results online, so fingers crossed, but the only person I can trust is my faith in God.x
