Sunday, 23 September 2018

Image source: Posted in the Darier's White Disorder group on Facebook was an article from a naturopathic doctor, and then a comment from someone who has used Magnesium orally to help combat the symptoms of Hailey Hailey disease which is similar...

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

I have lived through three natural disasters while on vacation. 1. Hurricane Irma 2. out ran a tornado in Florida 3. I just visited Japan during a heat wave so intense they proclaimed it a natural disaster... I was really scared for my skin. So I took everything I needed  plus sunscreen (which...

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Warning, I don't holdback and talk about how gross my nails can get because of DWD... I have always had terrible nails. I have never not picked at my nails and throughout my life they look like raw meat: red, chapped, falling apart... I rarely have anything that goes past my finger to form a "nail" as in they...

Monday, 23 April 2018

Update: all the changes and tweaks and ongoing therapy is working itself out! I'm not "cured" or anything but it is a helluva lot better than a few months ago when I had to hide under scarves and cry from the pain... Right now this is what it looks like:   Not too shabby! Of course the pink bumps are...

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

So the past few months have been trying to say the least, and everything translates to my skin - you know that saying wearing your heart on your sleeve? Well I wear my "heart" aka stress on my neck, as that's where my Darier's manifests the most. So I tried: Bio Oil = fail. Recovery Balm from Saje = fail. So...

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Seriously. This is the worst my Darier's has been since back in my 20s when I didn't know what it was. It is sore, weepy, itchy, and this is better than last week - granted I needed to let my skin calm down after me trying to put everything on it (TL;DR Bio Oil will mess you UP!) The pictures can't really...

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

What Works vs. What Doesn't  (...for me anyways) So I saw Bio Oil on sale at Shoppers Drugmart and decided this was the say I try it. It was hyped a few years ago as "the thing" for skin ailments such as scars, stretch marks and dark spots and some skin issues. BAD IDEA I have never felt my skin...