Wednesday, 20 October 2010

I find that when I'm stressed out my skin just crawls - it gets itchy with no rash. It just IS itchy. This is something that wasn't always so....  I wonder if it is psychosomatic or is actually a warning sign to chill out? Anyone else have th...

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Breakouts. Stress is starting to kill me here. My 3+ year boyfriend and I almost broke up. My legs and my stomach has broken out - this was taken days ago, it has gotten worse....  big red and blotchy. I am thankful it is not my neck (tho it is itchy or sensitive which is not a good sign) and my fingers...

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

My friend Christine vouched for this as a great brand and supplement. As I mentioned before stress is a huge trigger for my flare ups - so I took 2 from her to see what I thought about it and ya, I like it!  I would like to buy my own soon and see if it's better than my B complex for everyday stress. Women...

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

More emails from great people from around the world who also have DD - our thoughts over email shared for your interest: Hi Adrianna!My name is Tsvetelina, Eastern Europe.I was diagnosed with Darier's disease 10 years ago,now I'm 29.When I was searching on the web for new information and treatment of DD,...

Monday, 4 October 2010

I have had some lovely people contact me over the internet regarding DD and I asked Nicole to share our emails so that what we were talking about may come out and perhaps help others with their understanding of DD. Here are our emails unedited: Hello again Adrianna quick question - I noticed that you alternate...

Saturday, 2 October 2010

I used to belong to a website called but it shut down so I couldn't get to my posts or reply or anything... So here is my own blog to help raise awareness of Darier's White Disorder or Dariers Disease or DD. I have it. I'm living with it. And I'm owning it. Here's how I did it starting...